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Dental Therapist Consent Form
The General Dental Council (GDC) permits patients to directly access the services of a dental therapist from 1st May 2013. Previously a dentist had to see the patient prior to prescribing any dental treatment to a dental therapist. This has now changed with some exceptions.
Direct Access
It is important to understand the scope of what a dental therapist can and cannot do. A dental therapist can diagnose tooth decay and gum diseases and can provide treatments such as fillings and teeth cleaning. They can also take x-rays (radiographs) to help with their diagnosis and extract baby teeth. Complex or advanced treatments are left in the domain of a dentist such as prescribing antibiotics, crowns and bridges, root canal work, dentures and extractions of adult teeth.
Referral back to a dentist
You must be aware should an item out of a dental therapists scope be identified, an additional examination may be required by a dentist. This is because the dental therapists is acting in your best interest and must refer you to the appropriate clinician to complete your treatment.